Do you know what the service life of your components should be? (Considering the equipment manufacturer and/or industry standards?)

- Select an answer above to view recommendations.
- We do not track the component's service life.
- We track the service life of our components, but we do not benchmark or identify what "good" is.
- We track and maintain excellent service life and benchmarking.
- Not achieving full service life on your equipment components could be costing your company higher than normal operating costs while also reducing your profits and ability to compete for work. It is important to maximize your ROI on your equipment. 82% of mechanical wear is caused by particle contamination, which means using a lubricant that meets both your OEM's performance and cleanliness specifications will help you maximize component service life.
- While you might be achieving adequate component service life in your equipment, you may still not be achieving full OEM designed service life. One primary root cause for this is contamination or overextended drain intervals of the in-service lubricants.
- Great job! Keep in mind that component life can be reduced when your lubricants are not meeting both your OEM's performance and cleanliness specifications.